Flexibility, the Key to Stability

“Flexibility is the Key to Stability” John Wooden | American Basketballer | 1910-2010

Wooden was one America’s greatest basketball coaches. His quotes on success and life sum up the opportunities that 2021 present to us now.

“The main ingredient of stardom is the rest of the team.”
Find your tribe and hang with them, online or offline. Business owners and entrepreneurs interviewed across Eastern Melbourne throughout 2020 highlighted the importance of connected communities in troubling times. Your tribe will support you, guide you and champion you to be your best, right when you need it.

“Failure is not fatal but failure to change might be.”
For many of us, we’ve faced more change last year than in the last decade. Change is supported when we are flexible enough to review our progress, address our fears and seek new knowledge and answers. Seek out mentors and advisors to help you through uncertain times.

At Eastern Innovation, we understand uncertainty. After all, innovation is uncertain. It’s a bit risky and success is not guaranteed. Let us support you with our flexible spaces and rates and experienced mentors and tribe.

Book your face-to-face COVIDSAFE tour today!

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