Find partners, suppliers, investors and customers

Eastern Innovation’s final event for 2019 finished with a bang. EI Advisor in Residence, Vlad Finn facilitated another Level Up program event on the topic of how to find partners, investors, suppliers and customers.

Vlad advised that all business professionals should have a LinkedIn profile to enhance credibility, provide a platform to share knowledge, enable trust and massively impact the ability to build a tribe.

He warned, “Make sure though that you only offer personal, unique and enlightening content to your audience. If you just use it as a selling tool you will be bitterly disappointed with the outcomes you achieve or more to the point – don’t achieve.”

As a founder of a startup or entrepreneur this approach will allow an audience to get to know you in an honest and authentic way while providing them with opportunity to understand what you stand for. This, in turn will provide you with access and influence into new markets. He advised the group that if they are consistent and bring value they will automatically build social proof and grow the tribe.

The conversation led to other ways of finding partners, investors, suppliers and customers by attending local network groups or events. Conferences also provide a perfect setting for networking with a tribe.

“Commit to attending at least one conference per year where your clients hang out and then attend that conference with a plan to engage with as many people as possible. Find those that have the pain that you provide the solution for but make sure you have a follow-up process in place to maximise your investment,” Vlad advised.

Key takeaways from the round-table discussion were:

  • ·        Find your voice and where you fit
  • ·        Amplify your message
  • ·        Become a connector, then more people will connect with you
  • ·        Pay it forward and it will return

The Level Up Lunch & Learn event program resumes in February 2020, check out EI events at

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