Experiencing Turnover of staff at a rapid rate… now what?

There are options out there addressing this critical issue.

2021 was a year of recovery for businesses after the storm of the pandemic but now they’re facing even more uncertainty. Retaining employees and hiring new talent has become one of the biggest ongoing problems across Australia.

SMEs are struggling with obtaining resources to be able to successfully fill and maintain talent in roles. Whether due to unavailability of potential job applicants or skill shortages in industries, businesses around Australia have been feeling the pain.

This predicament has forced many employers to look through their retention and culture policies with a fine-toothed comb. How do you keep high quality individuals within an organisation? What sort of meaningful opportunities and value are businesses offering?

If these questions sound familiar, there are targeted programs and services that are available to provide support and enrich SMEs to help bridge this gap:

Jobs Victoria:
This free service assists businesses with recruitment planning and connects you to ready, local candidates.

Universities and TAFEs:
Most tertiary education institutions have job portals for eligible businesses to post jobs for graduates – tapping into the newly qualified workforce.

Examples: Deakin Talent, Monash Talent, SwinEmploy, Holmesglen Skills & Job Centre.

Local Government and Registered Training Organisations in collaboration with SME’s:

Many innovative companies are setting up programs within their own four walls to provide that next level of mentoring, guidance, and development for students in their final year of study. Local government and Registered Training Organisations are one place to start building these types of programs.

Another option, if you don’t know where to start regarding your specific resourcing needs, is one-on-one advisory sessions. The Global Advisory Program has specialist advisors with plentiful experience working with SMEs – providing expert advice on resourcing for growth. Enquire today!

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