Creating a Sustainable Workplace: The Eastern Innovation Way

Sustainability is a topic that is gaining more attention as people become more aware of their impact on the environment. In response, sustainable buildings have emerged as a popular choice for these who prioritise the health of the planet. However, there’s more to sustainable buildings than just environmental consciousness.

Did you know that Eastern Innovation is a prime example? Not only is it a model of sustainable design, but it also offers numerous benefits to businesses that operate within it.

Increased productivity

For starters, the building provides a healthy and comfortable workspace for employees. With low VOC and formaldehyde materials, as well as optimised glazing and skylights that maximise natural daylight, employees are guaranteed to have a productive working environment. This translates into lower sick days and increased productivity.

Reduced energy consumption

Another advantage of working in a sustainable building is the cost savings that come with reduced energy consumption. Eastern Innovation features a geothermal heat pump and automated night purging system, resulting in up to 12% lower energy bills. This is a significant cost-saving and one that is passed on to our community.

Community of like-minded businesses

Community is at the heart of what we do, and the building’s sustainable design can attract like-minded tenants. Businesses that prioritise sustainability are more likely to be interested in leasing space in a building that aligns with their values. This can lead to a community of businesses that can collaborate and inspire each other to achieve even greater success.

Local inspiration

Eastern Innovation also has a positive impact on the local community. The use of water-sensitive urban design helps to manage stormwater runoff, reducing the risk of flooding and erosion in the surrounding area. The rainwater harvesting system provided water for the internal green wall, reducing the building’s demand for mains water. These features demonstrate the building’s commitment to sustainable practices and can inspire other in the community to adopt similar practices.

Marketing your values

The building’s commitment to sustainability is reflected in its high NABERS rating. Achieving 5-star rating across Energy, Water and Indoor Environment is a testament to the building’s sustainable design and operation. This rating can be used in tenants marketing to potential customers, demonstrating your own commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility.

We like to think that Eastern Innovation offers numerous advantages for businesses that prioritise sustainability. From a healthier and more productive working environment to being a part of a community of like-minded people, a sustainable building can have a positive impact on a business’ success. By choosing to operate in a sustainable building, businesses can demonstrate their commitment to the environment and to their business success.

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