Business Grants in Knox… here’s the goss!

Grants – eCommerce, Manufacturing and Supply Chain, Creative and Cultural | Applications close 28th September | 5.00pm

Knox Council Business Support Grants

There are several grants available to support businesses most impacted by COVID-19 to innovate, and adapt to new ways of doing business.

These grants are open for application now.  Applications close at 5pm on Monday 28 September.

Knox eCommerce Grant

This grant will support existing businesses in Knox build their online eCommerce presence and capability.

Projects that may be funded by this grant include:

  • Website development or redevelopment with eCommerce functionality
  • Online shopping or eCommerce platform development external to the website
  • Social media and other online marketing strategy or delivery and
  • Capability development and/or training for staff to use and implement online activities

Projects that will not be funded by this grant include:

  • Ongoing costs such as web and email hosting, or staff costs
  • Purchase of IT equipment such as computers, tablets or point of sale equipment and
  • Purchase or subscription costs for software or applications

Apply Online

Manufacturing and Supply Chain Transition Grant

This grant will support existing manufacturing businesses in Knox transition their manufacturing capabilities to respond to medical, health and other supply chain needs that have arisen due to COVID-19.

Projects that may be funded by this grant include:

  • Capital/equipment to facilitate meeting health, medical and other demonstrated supply chain opportunities
  • Obtaining expertise/specialist advice to oversee process improvements, partnership arrangements or compliance requirements
  • Accessing local research/testing that will support businesses to pivot to new opportunities and
  • Obtaining support/advice to assist local firms that have COVID-19 export and import replacement opportunities

Apply online

Creative and Cultural Sector Grant

Two streams will be available through this grant to support the creative and cultural sectors in Knox.

  • Stream 1 – Creative Industry Facilitation Grant

Projects funded through this grant include:

  • online creative training and development  e.g. seminars, classes and social interaction
  • innovating marketing and communication activities
  • development of creative professional partnerships and networks across new platforms.

Apply online

  • Stream 2 – Placemaking and Liveable Communities Grant

Activities funded through this grant include:

  • pop-up activations
  • community art projects
  • events and performances in Knox activity centres
  • partnerships between artists and traders to improve visual merchandising, rejuvenation of shopfronts, activity centre beautification or marketing.

*Note: These future activities are planned for when restrictions are lifted and it is safe for the community to attend public events and gatherings.


Apply online


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